Options for Community Living, LLC

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Options is committed to providing high quality housing and services for vulnerable Long Islanders. Our well-trained staff provide timely person-centered services in an effective and compassionate manner. CARF Accreditation speaks to our commitment to quality. Options for Community Living, Inc. is committed to assisting individuals and families in need to develop
their fullest potential for independent living. Residential and support services prepare participants for the demands and responsibilities of community life and promote housing permanency, health, safety, and welfare. The organization’s actions are guided by principles of integrity, openness, accountability, respect, and the highest quality of care.

Strong call-to-action principles, the ability for users to search the site for content, and a refreshing new look: These are just some of the client requests that Maxburst successfully implemented as we complete another awe-inspiring project with Options for Community Living, Inc.
Using the most up-to-date web design technologies available, Maxburst ensures that both beneficiaries and charitable organizations wishing to support Options can find all the information they need on this ADA-compliant website with ease, wherever they are, and securely on any device—including all mobile, tablet, and desktop platforms.