Strong companies contain unbreakable circles made of productive team members.

It’s a fact that productive web development teams generate more service hours with less stress. However, some think that successful team members are born that way. In reality, managers can help almost anyone learn to be more productive in a specific amount of time. What’s more, the techniques used to build super-efficient teams helps members grow in their personal lives too.

Learn Each Team Member’s Circadian Rhythm

Over a 24-hour period, we all experience circadian rhythms. These are behavioral, mental and physical changes that are affected by light and darkness. Determine when each team member’s circadian rhythm for being alert is at a high level and they’ll do their best work.

Schedule High Productivity Projects during Peak Alertness Times

Although it varies by individual, studies show that for many, top peak hours of alertness are mid-morning, before noon, between 4 p.m. and 5 p.m. and before 6 p.m. Night workers may have different circadian rhythms. Have teams log off Chat and email for an hour or two during peak alert times.

Schedule Routine Tasks during Low Output Times

Typical low output hours are at 6 a.m., noon, at 3 p.m. and 3:30 p.m., after 6 p.m., and in the late evening. Those times are perfect for filing, returning phone calls, reading for research purposes, and of course, reading emails and logging onto Chat.

Encourage Team Members to Get Enough Sleep

Research shows that sleep deprivation affects our internal balance during waking hours. Without it, we may feel fatigued, have memory loss, be grumpy and lack coordination. Sleep gives our brains a chance to rest and get ready to think of fresh ideas later on. When team members get enough rest, it affects their personal lives too. They’ll have more “awake” time to spend with their families after their work day.

Help Employees Keep a Positive Attitude

Nothing’s wrong with setting goals and streamlining operations. Today, it’s important to know what your employees consider useful perks to stay productive. Some ideas are flexible work schedules, bonus pay, an onsite daycare, or even a gym.

Team members are more positive when they support and respect one another. They take individual responsibility, forgive, inspire, and realize the importance of their work. Consider an annual retreat or workshop to raise morale and encourage building trust among team members.

Embrace Creativity and Recognize Individual Talent

Good employees are a large or small company’s greatest asset. Don’t forget to tell individual team members what your company values most about them. Next, make sure they have the right tools to complete their assignments.

Limit Interruptions during Peak Alertness Working Hours

Think about having teams discuss the data they need from each other during low output hours. This prepares them to be the most productive during peak alertness times.

Use the Handover Method

For team members in different time zones, use the handover method. After a worker completes his part of a project during specific peak alertness hours in his time zone, he hands off the project to the next team member who completes her part during peak alertness hours in her time zone. When members are available, they can communicate and give feedback. There are many collaboration software tools to help teams with this.

Productivity is a lifestyle. Invest in creating productive teams to receive something that money can’t buy: employee loyalty and more satisfied customers, both of which promote business longevity.

MAXBURST believes in productive web teamwork. Let our web design and development experts create an effective website off your team’s project “to do” list. Call 888-MAXWEB (888-962-9932) or fill out our Request a Quote form today!

Meet The Author

Brian Winum